Tuesday, November 30, 2010


The other day I was reading an article online about world peace groups that work hard to promote non-violence. There were pages and pages of these world peace groups, the one that caught my attention was DUO for world peace, standing for Do Unto Others. The group Duo strives to amplify peace, and they require that all members follow certain rules, the golden and silver rules. This group made me think about Martin Luther King Jr. and his effort throughout the civil rights movement to effectively promote non-violence. King studied Gandhi's non-violence method, and tried to use it to positively lead our divided nation towards a unified one. King built the foundation for the non-violence groups that exist today, if it weren't for King we wouldn't have these positive groups to look up to.



  1. I really like that you mentioned the fact that Martin Luther King Jr. studied Gandhi's methods to promote peace. Often people forget this.
    Do unto others, is a concept that goes very far back in time.Sadly, its been said for years and years, and some have yet to grasp the concept. The world needs more Gandhi's and more MLK Jr's.

  2. i also like how u mentioned MLK and how he used ghandis methods, those are two different perspectives promoting the same message. When i read this i wondered if today nonviolence can still be use today
